
Calling All Custard Lovers!

Just before I start, this is not an ad. Although, if they would like to send me some free samples or if we could work together. I’m game!

This is something I purchased recently from Iceland online. I saw it and had to give it a go.

I am not afraid to say this. But I love custard. Not love, but loooove custard. Hot or cold, thick and well, maybe not too thin. I even love it when it gets the skin on top. Yummy! I mostly like the vanilla flavour. But occasionally dabble in the chocolate flavour as well. I don’t know if there are any other flavours, but I am open to trying. I can eat this all on its own and be completely satisfied.

Anyway, I found this item in Iceland. Ambrosia custard ice cream. Well, it’s more like vanilla ice cream but has the creamy consistency of custard. This stuff is amazing. It’s sooooo good. I want everyone to give this a go.

How do I eat mine? Well, probably the same as everyone else. But from the freezer, I put it in the microwave. For a full tub, about 30 seconds. Half tub 20. This melts the ice cream just enough so I am not using my spoon as a pick axe. But with it being, even more, creamier than others. The spoon goes in like butter.

I had to stop myself from eating the whole tub straight away. I was addicted. I wanted the wife to try some. But by the next day, it was gone. I couldn’t help myself. I am counting down the days to the next shopping trip online.

The world must know about this stuff!

I can not rate this highly enough. So if you get a chance, please try it. You won’t be disappointed.

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