Christmas With Covid.
I’ve started this blog on the 24th December just so I can get a start about what’s been happening since my last blog.
17th Dec. This is where I left the last blog. I hadn’t realised at the time that I had lost my sense of smell and taste buds. It wasn’t until I tried some cherry flavoured Jaffa cakes. Also the wife helped pointing it out to me also. As I was mistaking texture for flavour. I have been a little paranoid wondering if I am stinking of b.o. As I can’t smell anything around me.
18th Dec. Big things happened today. My fever has broken. But another problem has arised. Now that I am not burning up all the time. My body is not generating its own heat properly. Due to being weak from the virus. Also I have not been eating properly, I know, not listening to my own advise. My body is getting colder alot quicker and causing my headache to worsen due to the cold. I had no choice but to get a beanie hat out and put it on. Damn you cold (shakes fist in the air).
So from then till now all we have been doing is just living. Healing from the Covid and getting by. The father in law was able to bring us some food and we also had a drop off from ASDA. I have been able to work on some more designs for my print on demand websites and also decided to cut the amount of websites down as I mainly get sales from only two main sites. I even created a Christmas message video for my channels.
We are still having problems with our chests. I am controlling it by trying to stay as relaxed as possible while the wife is wondering how I am doing this as she is constantly not relaxing and stressing about minor, stupid things. That, as usual, are not things to worry about. So while I’m trying to relax she is causing her chest to hurt and cough. Then she starts on me and I get agitated. Then I start having breathing problems and start coughing. In which, I think this make her feel a little better and worried for me at the same time and then decides to leave me alone. Fun times!
I have been in two minds about buying myself a Christmas present. I want to continue with creating sounds for my YouTube and Odysee channels and even though my phone does a great job at recording stuff. I wanted to buy an actual professional recording device. I know I cannot afford big money devices but a device I have found one for around eighty quid. Zoom H1N. It has been around for a few years but still maintains to be a great start up in sound and field recording. Of course I will have to buy accessories and of course use it by actually going outside. But I want to give it a go and this little device could be a great way to go. So why don’t I buy it? I have the money saved. All I need to do is press a button on Amazon.

I think maybe my taste buds are coming back. Very, very slowly mind. The wife ordered some pizza on Christmas eve. I had a few slices from her after removing the olives and jalapeno. I tried the sauce and could taste the cheese in it. Not sure if it’s supposed to be cheese. Also got a taste of the spices from the ingredients from the pizza. Not one hundred percent back. But it’s a start.
25th December finally came and we didn’t get up early. We creeped out of bed around 10.30. And just relaxed until the missus was ready for prezzies. Which was pretty much about five minutes from getting up. If it wasn’t for the missus I probably wouldn’t bother with it. She keeps Christmas alive.
So before Christmas the father-in-law gave us some money so we can buy what we want. I knew straight away what I was going to get. I had been going on a Baby Metal renaissance. As I hadn’t listen to them for a while. So I decided to get the back catalogue. If you haven’t heard of them. This is the song I have been recently hooked on:

I also bought the graphic novel from the band.

I did go over budget by about a fiver but I had to include these as well. I had bought one when we went to Brighton. I liked it so much I bought another and a friend.

The wife bought some blu rays and an Animal Crossing game, Happy Home Paradise DLC. Which connects to the New Horizons game. The game is not physical. You have to download it.

In turn we bought them some drones. As they didn’t have much experience we got them beginners drones. The father in law had been hinting. Well more like dreaming about getting a drone. So we helped the process along.

So, what did the wife get me? Well, she went above and beyond with one of my presents. I have been after a particular Star Trek boxset. The 50th anniversary boxset. Which has the blu ray version of the the original series. The animated series and the first six movies of the original cast. It also comes with some posters and a badge. I am too scared to open it. I had been searching for this for years. But it’s finally mine.

The next present I got was a pleasant surprise. I had watched the brilliant show Clarkson’s Farm. The wife bought me the book to go with the series.

I also got the movie directed by Kevin Smith, Yoga Hosers.

Finally, I got a T-shirt of one of my favourite anime, Death Note.

The wife did really well by me as well. She had been after a certain new Chucky doll. So here it is.

Now this present got myself unlimited praise. Not just from the missus but also her chucky groups on Facebook.

A limited edition Loungefly Chucky backpack. I did try and get her the purse that went with it. But I was too late. But still she wasn’t expecting that and her reaction was brilliant.
Her final gift was to complete her collection of Chucky soundtrack vinyl’s.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing in front of the tele watching YouTube and other things. We enjoyed a roast dinner and continued with our relaxing until it was time for bed.
Dec 26th. Since the 24th I have been out of isolation. So today, I returned to work. I had also had been in contact with my sister and had arranged for her to come over and collect and give our Christmas presents, to each other. At work I spoke with others who had also had Covid and talked about our war stories. Going into detail about how this and that happened. How it felt and so on.
Dec 27th. Coming home from work. I relaxed until my sister arrived. The missus was not great. Even though the Covid was over the damaged it cause had not. She was still having problems with her chest while it was healing. So she wasn’t really in the mood to get out of bed and see people.
When they arrived we exchanged gifts. I received Star Trek Discovery bluray boxset season 1-3.

We had given to my sister the rest of the collection of books she was after. Alex Cross series, by James Patterson. My brother in law received a bath robe. Like the ones you get in hotels. My nephew, who didn’t come along, got a collection of DVDs of anime. Some of the old stuff I use to watch.
Now the wife, I knew what she was getting so I wanted to see her reaction. She was containing herself as any reaction was causing her pain.

She got a duvet set and blanket. She loved it. The wife had been after something like this for years. But it had been too expensive as the blankets were only available in America. The movie company products anyway.
We had a chin wag for a while and the wife showed off her chucky collection. The brother in law wasn’t too keen but my sister seem to fall in love with Tiffany. After they left the wife went back to bed to rest some more and I relaxed until it was time for me to go to bed.
I finally decided to buy the Zoom H1N recorder. Also with some accessories. Then freaked out how much money I had left in my account. Quickly transferring some money from my savings.
The next few days nothing happened and it was the same for new years. We were awake for the new years call and enjoying the sound of the fireworks and I am hoping that I can make a few ambient ASMR videos out of them.
Great content! Keep up the good work!