Caterpillar Time for tea

Caterpillar Time for tea

     Caterpillar was bathing in the morning sun. Just sitting on a leaf, watching the world go by. Just how he liked it. Suddenly, without any warning, he found himself being lifted up into the air. He gazed up and saw a young girls face staring at him from the bright sunshine. ‘Hello Mr Caterpillar, do you want to play?’ The young girl asked.
  Not really, Caterpillar thought to himself. He just froze, All I want to do is sunbathe.
  ‘Please don’t be scared. I will not hurt you’ The young girl explained. Caterpillar was not sure what to do, he just stared at her. ‘Look i am having a tea party” The young girl said. With that she gently placed caterpillar onto the grass beside some very odd looking stuff animals. ‘That is Mrs rabbit. And that is Ed,’ The young girl said. Pointing out each of the stuff animals in turn. ‘And this is Teddy one ear.’
    Caterpillar just settled himself on the grass, it is going to be a long day, he thought to himself. Then he spotted a very brightly coloured tea set. The young girl began to pour out some imaginary tea to all her guests. ‘Would you like some cake as well?’ The young girl asked, planting a large tea cup down in front of him.
   Caterpillar saw his chance and climbed into the tea pot spout, while the young girl was not looking.   ‘Sweetheart.’ A voice called.
 ‘Yes mother.’ The young girl answered
 ‘Can you come in now, please?’ Her mother asked.
 ‘Okay.’ The young girl replied. She looked down at Caterpillar, his body was still half way in the teapot. She bent down and gently helped him free. Then placed him back on a leaf besides her. ‘I have to go now. I will see you soon. Silly Caterpillar,’ the young girl said. And with that she was gone and Caterpillar could finally enjoy what was left of the sun.

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