Another Milestone!!
Thank you everyone who joined my Facebook page recently. I can’t believe it. The page has reached over 2000 like and followers. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. It had been sitting at around 1450, for so long. Fair enough I don’t check on the page all of the time but it still amazes me people still enjoy my content. Thank you.
So what’s been happening recently? Well nothing earth shattering really. I have only recently started getting my taste buds back from having Covid. It has been annoying, wondering whether I have actually tasted something. Although I do know I have smelt some things. I am thankful to the women at work who like to put on too much body spray. It lets me know my nose still works.
There are problems at work that I can’t go into. But I am hoping I can sort it out eventually. The elections for the Union positions are coming up. I am hoping I can regain my Health & Safety place and maybe start in a few more areas. I have put myself forward for four reps positions in total.
Tiffany has finally been fixed. I had been without her for over a month. She’s my 2019 Kawasaki Vulcan S motorcycle. I really should take some pictures of her sometime. Here’s a basic pic without all of the extras I put on:

Her horn wasn’t working and the starter motor had given up. And when she was picked up the battery was dead aswell. So all had to be replaced. There was a problem with the starter motor as the mechanic couldn’t find one anywhere. And I wasn’t going to pay nearly five hundred pounds for one from Kawasaki. Even if they had one. So, I ended up buying a second hand one from eBay. Having it sent to the shop. But she’s back up and running now and home and that’s all that matters.
My insurance company emailed me to tell me that my policy was ending early because MCE various branches, around the world, were going bankrupt. So, I had to search for a new policy. Then I had the fun of trying to get a copy of my No Claims Bonus from them and I ended up making a complaint about their Live Chat online service. I was on there, waiting for over an hour. Just for a reply. They ended up calling me to apologise. They did offer some compensation. I accepted mainly due to the fact that they called me whilst I was trying to sleep. I was too tired and half asleep, to care. Which did screw me a little, that night, when I went to work. I still haven’t got my NCB document yet but they did send me and email confirming what I had so I could send it to my new policy holders.
I am still uploading ASMR videos to my YouTube and Odysee channels. I have also started a TikTok channel. Where I have one minute versions of my ASMR videos on view. People seem to like some of them and I already have 22 followers. I am sure some of them are trying to sell me dirty vids or pics. But a follower is still a follower. I am also using the videos on TikTok to create ten minute or so videos for my YouTube and Odysee channels, which I have posted some links on my various pages.
I am still uploading designs to my Redbubble and Tee Public sites. I have reduced the amount of sites I originally had as I wasn’t getting anywhere with them. I am going to have to learn a bit more about advertising online. I have barely made any sales since I started in March last year. But it’s still fun to do. I have about 486 designs uploaded so far with more on the way. I am thinking about maybe adding some designs, to advertise, inside my YouTube videos, it might help a little also putting some on my TikTok page. Well have to see how that goes.
I am trying to get into NFTs (Non Fungible Token). It’s where you can sell your different mediums online, in the crypto universe. I am still trying to work out how this all works. But I am hoping it works out.
But again, Thank you to all the people that have joined my Facebook page. This actually helps to keep me going. Wanting to write and do more things. I am not really that bothered that I haven’t sold that much yet. But I do have a dream that has a time limit, that I hope I can pull together.
Myself and the wife are trying to get some money together so we can go on holiday for our birthdays, in March. So, I can create more things to share with you all and hopefully sell online. More importantly to get away from everything happening around us. It’s a bit tricky but we will do something.
Again thank you. And I will write again soon.